News Release

Chung Yuan Christian University and NTU-International Center of Excellence in Intelligent Robotics and Automation Research signed the MOU


In March 20, 2014, Chung Yuan Christian University and NTU-iCeiRA signed MOU, which will promote bilateral cooperation and exchanges between two universities. 

IEEE IRHOCS 2013 NTU Professor Ren C. Luo Leading Team Made Five-peat Complete


2013 International Robot Hands-on Competition & Symposium was held on December 15 in Taipei. The basketball robot developed by the NTU-iCeiRA with stable high shooting rate and agile response defeated the international teams and Xiamen University team who is the winning team after an internal competition in China. In IRHOCS contest, the NTU team wrote a brilliant record of five consecutive champions this year.

Congratulations! Prof. Ren C. Luo is honored with Hornary Citizen Award of Óbuda University


Congratulations! Prof. Ren C. Luo is honored with Hornary Citizen Award of Óbuda University. There are over 150 government employees and professors attending this awarding ceremony.

Congratulations! Prof. Ren C. Luo and Master Student Bo-Han Shih Earn 2013 Paper Award


Congratulations! Prof. Ren C. Luo and Master Student Bo-Han Shih Earn:
  1. 2013 International Conference on Automation Technology (Automationa2013), Tainan, Taiwan, November 1-2, 2013
    Ren C. Luo, Sheng Y. Chen,Keng C. Yeh, “Hybrid 3D Object Recognition and Tracking Pipeline with Occluded and Cluttered Situation for Service Robotics Applications” 

    PDF Download

  2. 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2013), Washington DC, USA, October 21-23, 2013
    Ren C. Luo, Bo-Han Shih ,“Real Time Human Motion Imitation of Anthropomorphic Dual Arm Robot Based on Cartesian Impedance Control”

    PDF Download

Former Prime Minister of France Edith Cresson and delegation from France visit NTU-iCeiRA


For the past few years, governments of Taiwan and France have emphasized on transforming the research results into the beneficial motive for the state economy. Both of the countries rely on SEMs mainly and have the corresponding innovative abilities and techniques. Based on the present cooperative results and the exchange relationship, the promotion of cooperative stage and state economy could be done by facilitating producing study cooperative connections.